Apache Stove Parts
Silver Valley Wood Stove Parts
We have many parts for the Apache Stoves available. Blowers, Motors, Electrical Parts, Gaskets, Firebricks and Transition Stacks.
Please Contat us for Assistance with your Parts. 336-701-0555 or Email Us at woodstoveparts@hotmail.com
Please Note ** Underlined Parts are linked to Our Online Store for your Convenience.**
Blowers & Motors
1C320 320 CFM Double Blower $279.39
12 1/2" total length, Opening 3 x 31/4" Flange 4 3/4"
1C265 265 CFM Blower 1 Speed $184.95
Single Blower Flange 5 1/2" x 5" Opening 3 1/2" x 4 1/8"
1M265 265 CFM 1 Speed (motor Only) $159.97
1M132 1/20 HP 1 Speed Motor 3.3" O.D. $129.00
1TF13R 13" Transflo Blower Motor Right $159.00
1TF13L 13" Transflo Blower Motor Left $199.00
Inserts May have blowers on left and right side
** Please give us a call with the model number off of your blower motor and we sill be glad to cross reference, to insure correct blower is ordered.
1C320 320 CFM Double Blower $279.39
Transition Stacks
9S31214 8" x 14" x 3 1/2" Stack $185.00
9STD Stack Tie Downs (each) $ 11.75
631214 Regular Stack Gasket 3 1/2 x 14" $9.95
Electrical Parts
4RWO Rheostat with off position & knob $36.99
4T120R 120* F Recessed Thermodisc $21.75
4T110F 110* F Flush mounted Thermodisc $21.75
4PC8 105* C 8' Power cord $20.69
9ADH Damper Handle No Longer Available
5B1591 15 7/8 x 9 7/8 x 1 3/8" No Longer Available
5B1571 15 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 1 5/8" No Longer Available
5B1541 15 1/2 x 4 3/4 x 1 5/8" No Longer Available
Log Retainer
9SALR 13 1/2" Wide x 13 1/2" Long No Longer Available